Please help us help our own community. Join the ...
Polish American Journal Foundation

The PAJF is a non-profit 501c3 organization established to promote Polish and Polish American culture and traditions among members of the public and other Polish and Polish American groups. It does this by organizing and supporting special events, networking, and providing consultation to individuals and groups, which seek to learn more about the Polish community in the United States.

Your tax-deductible donation to the Polish American Journal Foundation supports our efforts to keep the Polish American community strong for generations to come.

As a national newspaper serving Polish immigrants and their descendents since 1911, the Polish American Journal has a unique perspective on the shortfalls primarily funding that have prevented many great projects from getting off the ground. We also have grown increasingly frustrated to see students future leaders, who are passionate about Polonia seek other areas of study because they could not secure something as simple as airfare to study in Poland or abroad. Likewise, we see so many talented academicians, scholars, artists, folk groups the list goes on whose special projects or areas of study have been dropped for lack of funds. In many cases, state or federal arts or cultural funding is available, but these groups cannot afford processing fees to meet application requirements. It is time to start helping our own.

In 2015, the PAJF established a yearly scholarship for students of Polish descent in journalism and the arts. The annual Josephine Kaszuba-Locke Scholarship is presented every October, Polish American Heritage Month. Scholarship requirements include and essay, which is published in the October edition.


Donations are accepted in any amount. All donations will be acknowledged and may be used as charitable contributions on your tax return. As a member, you can suggest any worthwhile cause: a donation to a local Polish American museum; veterans group; scholarship fund; dance group, etc. Our board reviews these suggestions and creates a ballot of the most-requested causes/recipients, which will then be voted on by current members. (Membership is yearly, starting with the date of your most recent donation). All members reserve the right to abstain from being a voting member.

Since 1911, the Polish American Journal has been an advocate for Poles and their descendants in the United States. Help us utilize over 100 years of the Polish American experience to support those who share our core values of strong family, faith, and community.


Geraldine Balut Coleman, Ph.D.
Chicago, Illinois

Debbie Greenlee
Arlington, Texas

Mark A. Kohan

President, Buffalo, N.Y.

Deborah Majka

Philadelphia, Pa.

Dr. Karen Majewski

Detroit, Mich.

Richard Poremski

Baltimore, Md.

MaryLou Wyrobek

Secretary, Buffalo, N.Y.


The PAJF is the sole owner of the information provided by its members. The PAJF will not sell, share, or rent this information to others. It will be used solely for record-keeping and correspondence.


Membership Levels in the PAJF include:


  • Friend of the PAJF (Any amount up to $49.99)
  • Individual $50.00
  • Family $100.00
  • Sustaining $250.00
  • Patron $500.00
  • Benefactor $1,000.00
  • Chairmans Circle $2,500.00 or more

Donations of $50.00 or more entitle the member for a courtesy subscription to the Polish American Journal. If you wish to give this as a gift, please provide recipients name and address.

There are three way to become a member:

Write to the PAFJ and request a membership application.

The Polish American Journal Foundation

P.O. Box 271

North Boston, NY 14110-0271

DOWNLOAD the membership application and brochure.

Make a donation via PAYPAL (click Donate button below).

All donations will be acknowledged and may be used as charitable contributions on your tax return.

Federal Tax ID# 46-4279861

Click on photo to download 2025-26 Scholarship Application.


Photo: Republic of Poland Ministry of Science and Higher Education /

Now accepting applications for
2025-26 PAJF
Kamylla and Czeslaw
Kaszuba Scholarships
Deadline: August 31, 2025

Polish American Journal

P.O. Box 271 / North Boston, NY 14110-0271

(800) 422-1275 / (716) 312-8088
